Have you been able to get yourself a special partner of life?Below are messages which can help boost your love for her.love messages add life into human beings who are in relationships incase you have searched for best selected messages for your girlfriend and could not find it rush now grasp on this page.
(1)   If love is a crime  
   i want to be punished,
   and be convicted because
   of you.
 (2)   Looking at you is an opportunity
     To see another world existing
     In my life

  ( 3)  I do not regret any moment
     spent with you cos you are
     unforgettable product of
     entire universe

(  4)   I cannot stop holding
     I cannot stop admiring you
     I cannot confessing your love
     for me.
     I cannot stop similing cos
     you are more than an Angel

  ( 5)  I am greater than anyone
     Because of i love you

   ( 6) I see love in your eyes
     Each time i  look into
     your eyes
   (7)  I am a lucky man to
     Have you as a lover
     Your love brings such
     4 You are irreplacable
   (8)  Love is what i see when
     you touch me
     Love is what i see when
     you simile
     Love is what i see you are
     Around me

  ( 9) seeing you is like
     seeing a love saviour
     seeing your face in the
     morning brings joy and peace
     in the whole of my day.

   (10)  When i think of every
     moments spent where you
     are, it makes me feel better
     you are the best in my life.

(  11)   you worth every name i call you
     more especially,best cos that is
     what you are.I love you

 (  12)  you are the replacer of vaccum in
     my heart.you can into my heart and
     brought completeness in my life. i love you

( 13)    My love for you is not comparable to anything
     A day can last 24hours,A week can last 7days
     A month lasts 30days,but my love for you is,

 ( 14)   Sending you love messages is not just to say hey,
     it is my duty i must perform cos i have found
     someone lovely as you
     i desire you mostly, i love you

 ( 15)   Just like the planets revolve around the Sun,
     Same is my life, which revolves around you!
  16)  I must have done something really good in my life,
    That it has given me, you!

  ( 17)  The greatest commandment is love
     buy loving personally makes it look
     you are God sent in my life,i love you

  ( 18)  My life cannot be complete without you
     I love you so dearly

   ( 19) The diary of my life cannot be complete
      without you

   ( 20) Distance cannot be a barrier for my love
     for you rather it increases it. i love you



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